The Woods Hole Community Black History Month Committee presents
Woods Hole Black History Month Celebration
2020: African Americans and the Vote
Thank you to all those who helped plan and coordinate our events! Thank you to those who attended!
Black History Month 2020 Exclusive video by Falmouth Community TV
Click the flyer for a downloadable version.
We encourage you to read these Black History Month Blogs by students in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program Broader Impacts Group (BIG):
Feb 7 - Ambrose Jearld, Jr.
Feb 12 - Daniel Pauly
Feb 18 - Dawn Wright (Deepsea Dawn)
Feb 25 - Christopher Jackson
Feb 28 - Emmett Chappelle
This year’s theme marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment and the culmination of the women’s suffrage movement. It also marks the 150th anniversary of the 15th amendment and the rights for black men to vote after the civil war. This theme has a rich and long history, which begins at the turn of the nineteenth century with the states’ passage of laws that democratized the vote for white men while disenfranchising free black men.
Every year, members of the Woods Hole community come together to celebrate Black History Month. The Woods Hole research community recognizes the value an event such as Black History month has in building a stronger community through diversity. The six research institutions including The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Marine Biological Laboratory, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, US Geological Survey, Woods Hole Research Center, and Sea Education Association all sponsor this program with annual contributions.
Friday, February 7
Film Screening - 'Selma'
Co-Sponsored with Falmouth Academy
A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965.
Rated PG-13
Doors open at 6:30PM
Movie at 7:00PM
Book table by 8 Cousins at 8:30PM
Falmouth Academy's Simon Center
7 Highfield Hall, Falmouth, 02540
Refreshments provided
Please RSVP here (Event is free! Headcount is for refreshment planning)
Tuesday, February 18
Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, and Led Astray by Romanticizing the Dream
Rev. W. (Will) H. Mebane, Jr., Rector, Saint Barnabas Memorial Episcopal Church
Noon (12:00 PM)
Speck Auditorium in MBL's Rowe Laboratory
10 MBL Street, Woods Hole
Lecture Abstract:
Political correctness has caused us to sanitize the radical King. We have emasculated the revolutionary MLK to make him more palatable to our modern day senses. It’s time to recapture the anger that propelled Martin forward and cost him his life.
Watch the lecture recording here!
Monday, February 24
The Cost of the Vote
Daniel Black, Professor of African American Studies, Clark Atlanta University
Founder, Ndugu and Nzinga Rites of Passage Nation
Noon (12:00 PM)
Redfield Auditorium in WHOI's Redfield Building
45 Water Street, Woods Hole
Lecture Abstract:
In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Black, who holds a Ph.D. in African American Studies, will explore and explain the exorbitant cost of voting for black people throughout the 20th century. He will provide examples of the many ways in which the black voice was silenced or destroyed altogether as black people attempted to cast their ballots. One recent example is the case of Stacey Abrams and her bid for the Georgia governorship, highlighting the complexity and voting disfranchisement of contemporary people of color all over this nation.

Thursday, February 27
5:30 PM
Clark 507 at WHOI's Quissett Campus
360 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole
An ethnic feast celebrating everyone of every race! Guests are asked to bring a potluck dessert to share!
Music by DJ Lionel Hall, All Cape Sounds
Zion Union Heritage Museum Mobile Museum Exhibit
Cape Cod African Dance & Drum Live Performance
6:30 PM
Clark 507 at WHOI's Quissett Campus
360 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole
Cape Cod African Dance & Drum is an ensemble of dancers and drummers who practice traditional West African and Afro-Caribbean dance and drumming on Cape Cod and the New England area. This troupe includes master West African drummers, as well as a diverse group of professional American artists with a variety of dance and music backgrounds. The ensemble performs to uplift the hearts of their audiences, playing for the joy and healing inherent in African traditions.
For those coming from the Woods Hole Village (or ferry from Martha's Vineyard) for the Harambee:
We will run an extra WHOI shuttle that will leave the Clark building at 7:00 PM and return to Woods Hole at 7:05 PM. The WHOI Shuttle is a blue van that drops off/picks up at Dyers Dock (behind Coffee Obsession/Landfall). The shuttle is free.
Click here to RSVP for the Woods Hole BHM 2020 events you plan on attending!
All events are free and open to the public. Your RSVP helps us to plan for the appropriate number of people.
Big thanks to the committee who worked to make this 2020 Black History Month schedule of events:
Larry Alade, Co-Chair
Mark Long, Co-Chair
Onjalé Scott Price, Co-Chair
Andrew Daly
Shelley Dawicki
Kayleah Griffen
Meghan Hanawalt
Gina Hebert
Kwanza Johnson
George Liles
Dana Mock-Muñoz de Luna
Matthew Person
Lindsay Scott
Kama Thieler
Nancy Wendlandt
Woods Hole Black History Month events are sponsored by the Marine Biological Laboratory; the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center, the Woodwell Climate Research Center , and the Sea Education Association. All events are free and open to the public.